IGF - 1 LR3

  • Enhances the Growth of the Muscle at the site of Administration.
  • Helps in the Regeneration of Nerve Tissues.
  • Helps to Burn Fat of the body and decreases the LDL Cholesterol.
  • Dosage: 40 mcg - 100 mcg/day.
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  • Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide - 6
  • ( 5mg / vial x 5 )
  • Increases Level Of Vitality.
  • Increases Appetite.
  • Improves Hair Growth.
  • Improves Memory.
  • Dosage : 200mcg - 400mcg twice a day.
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  • Thymosin Beta - 4
  • (2mg / vial x 5)
  • Helps in Muscle Recovery, Strength & Endurance.
  • Increases the production of Actin in the body that is associated with Muscle Repair.
  • Dosage : 2 - 5 mg twice weekly.
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  • Follistatin - 344 (r-DNA)
  • (1mg / vial x 5)
  • Increases the Enhancement of New Cell formation, Regeneration and Repair of Bone and Muscles.
  • Dosage : Initially 200mcg/day. May increase gradually.
  • Max : 400mcg / day.
  • 1mg/kg once in lifetime.
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Human Growth Hormone(200 IU Kit)

  • 200 IU Kit
  • (20 IU / Vial x 10)
  • Increase protein synthesis, promotes fat loss.
  • Restores damaged cartilage, tendons & joints.
  • Increases libido & energy.
  • Dosage: 4 iu - 6 iu/day.
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Human Growth Hormone(100 IU Kit)

  • 100 IU Kit
  • (20 IU / Vial x 5)
  • Increase protein synthesis, promotes fat loss.
  • Restores damaged cartilage, tendons & joints.
  • Increases libido & energy.
  • Dosage: 4 iu - 6 iu/day.
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  • Testosterone Propionate (125mg/ml)
  • It has a relatively low half life, because of which it is one of the most controllable Testosterone.
  • It is perfect for beginner.
  • It is a natural hormone.
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  • Testosterone Enanthate (250mg/ml)
  • It is a natural hormone & a long acting Testosterone Ester which drastically increases the muscle as well as strength.
  • It imparts endurance as well as triggers the feelings associated with manliness.
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  • Testosterone Cypionate (300mg/ml)
  • Long-acting testosterone ester, natural hormone provides solid muscle and strength gains.
  • Good beginner steroid.
  • Dosage: 500 mg -750 mg/week.
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  • Testosterone Blend (300mg/ml)
  • Provides Massive strength & weight gain.
  • It is Great testosterone mix for peak blood levels.
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  • Trenbolone Acetate (100mg/ml)
  • It is a short acting Trenbolone Ester, useful in gaining high quality mass & intense increase in the strength.
  • It is a short Androgenic compound. This compound along with its fat burning properties makes this compound versatile.
  • Tremendous muscle gain.
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  • Boldenone Undecylenate (300mg/ml)
  • Highly Anabolic.
  • Increases Appetite & promotes vasodilatation effect.
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  • Trenbolone Enanthate (200mg/ml)
  • Long-acting trenbolone ester.
  • It is Highly Anabolic & Androgenic.
  • Provides massive gain and changes the body composition.
  • It Burns fat and reduces the fat percentage in the body and it increases the metabolism of our body.
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  • Methenolone Enanthate (100mg/ml)
  • Low Aromatization,very safe to use.
  • No liver Toxicity.
  • It is more Anabolic in nature than Androgenic.
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  • Nandrolone Decanoate (300mg/ml)
  • Deca-B is highly Anabolic.
  • Deca-B is used to gain muscle mass.
  • It does not have androgenic side effects.
  • Useful for developing physical strength, stamina & muscle size.
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  • Testosterone Base (100mg/ml)
  • It is the Fastest acting and purest form of testosterone.
  • It has Massive strength gain & Short detection time.
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  • Stanozolol (50mg/ml)
  • Stanz promotes a hard & dry look to the body.
  • It increases the vascularity & strength of the body.
  • No liver toxicity.
  • Stanz is used in "cutting cycles."
  • Very effective as a fat loss stimulant.
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  • Drostanolone Propionate (100mg/ml)
  • It is a short acting Ester.
  • It is highly Androgenic.
  • Also known for muscle hardness while keeping the fat or the lipid content low in the body.
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Clen B

  • (60 mcg)
  • CLEN - B is very effective fat loss stimulant.
  • CLEN - B cuts down the production of adipose tissue in the body.
  • CLEN - B is used in cutting cycles.
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  • (Oxandrolone 10mg)
  • Colour of the tablet : Green.
  • OXY - DROL is one of the most powerful Anabolics.
  • It facilitates rapid and effective increase in lean muscle tissue and muscle strength.
  • It has earned itself the reputation of being one of the most powerful steroid used for bulking purpose.
  • Primary effect of OXY - DROL is bulking and increase in strength of the user.
  • Low liver toxicity and side effects.
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  • (Liothyronine Sodium 25mcg)
  • Colour of the tablet : Orange
  • T-3 Promotes extreme fat loss & highly stimulates thermogenesis.
  • It Enhances Energy Levels.
  • Dosage: 25mcg-50mcg/day using a pyramid approach.
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  • (Methandienone 10mg)
  • Colour of the tablet : Green
  • DYNA -G is the most widely used anabolic steroid used for building Physique and enhance the performance of the user.
  • DYNA -G increases the muscular mass, strength of the user and weight gain.
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  • (Oxymetholone 50mg)
  • Colour of the tablet : Yellow
  • It has massive strength and weight gain.
  • Soothes joint problems.
  • Great pump, highly androgenic & highly anabolic.
  • Dosage: 50 mg - 100 mg /day.
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  • (Masterolone 25mg)
  • Colour of the tablet : Green.
  • Mastero Tablet is a medicine used in the treatment of male hypogonadism caused due to low testosterone levels.
  • This medicine supplements the amount of male hormone the body produces naturally.
  • Mastero is an Androgen and Anabolic medication which is used mainly in the treatment of low testosterone levels.
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