Clen B

  • (60 mcg)
  • CLEN - B is very effective fat loss stimulant.
  • CLEN - B cuts down the production of adipose tissue in the body.
  • CLEN - B is used in cutting cycles.
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  • (Oxandrolone 10mg)
  • Colour of the tablet : Green.
  • OXY - DROL is one of the most powerful Anabolics.
  • It facilitates rapid and effective increase in lean muscle tissue and muscle strength.
  • It has earned itself the reputation of being one of the most powerful steroid used for bulking purpose.
  • Primary effect of OXY - DROL is bulking and increase in strength of the user.
  • Low liver toxicity and side effects.
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  • (Liothyronine Sodium 25mcg)
  • Colour of the tablet : Orange
  • T-3 Promotes extreme fat loss & highly stimulates thermogenesis.
  • It Enhances Energy Levels.
  • Dosage: 25mcg-50mcg/day using a pyramid approach.
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  • (Methandienone 10mg)
  • Colour of the tablet : Green
  • DYNA -G is the most widely used anabolic steroid used for building Physique and enhance the performance of the user.
  • DYNA -G increases the muscular mass, strength of the user and weight gain.
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  • (Oxymetholone 50mg)
  • Colour of the tablet : Yellow
  • It has massive strength and weight gain.
  • Soothes joint problems.
  • Great pump, highly androgenic & highly anabolic.
  • Dosage: 50 mg - 100 mg /day.
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  • (Masterolone 25mg)
  • Colour of the tablet : Green.
  • Mastero Tablet is a medicine used in the treatment of male hypogonadism caused due to low testosterone levels.
  • This medicine supplements the amount of male hormone the body produces naturally.
  • Mastero is an Androgen and Anabolic medication which is used mainly in the treatment of low testosterone levels.
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